Hagop Asadourian
“These things dig into you. I’m 98 years old. to this day, I can’t forget. And yet we have to beg nations to recognize Genocide. I lost eleven members of my family. I have to beg. It’s a terrible world, a terrible experience.”
Nvart Assaturian
“Day and night it’s with me. I feel very, very bad because they did inhuman things to Armenians and any Armenian cannot forget it. Never, never.”
Haig Baronian
“Any democratic country where you know about personal rights and freedom did not exist over there. They bang on the door, they’re armed, you’re not. And that’s it. Out!”
Esther Tapleband reading Marie Jacobsen’s diary:
“People are in great fear. Everyone says it’s all been done according to a plan. And it’s a certain beginning of a massacre.”
Samuel Kadorian
“And then the next morning they started to take us to the desert…to Der Zor, where it was the point of no return. We knew that we would never come back.”
Alice Shipley
“They did some horrible, very horrible things to them, like putting a red hot metal pan on top of the professors’ head, and pulled his nails out with pliers”
Elise Hagopian Taft
“They went street by street, you know, and locked our doors and sealed it, and they took the key away with them and they put us in boxcars … The death march was like a column of ants or a huge caterpillar…walking, and walking slowly. They all know they were going to die.”
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